Creating and verifying your project

Find the guide to help you create your project on RYP and how to verify it.


Most of our users are just here to stay informed and up-to-date on what is happening with projects and on chain. But for those of you that run a project of some sort, the ability able to reach people that own your token or NFT, are staked to your pool or otherwise engaged with you, without you creating a newsletter that people have to sign up for, can bring a new era of outreach. To be able to do this, the only thing you need to do is create a project and verify it, and this is what this guide is for.

Project Types

The first step in being able to publish announcements and news with Reach Your People is to create a project. You will need to know what type of project you want to be categorized as, before you get started:

  • Non-fungible token Project (NFT)

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

  • Stake pool operator (SPO)

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

  • Delegated Representative (dRep)

  • Utility, Memes and other token-based projects (Other)

Regardless of the primary project type you select, you will later be able to verify additional components of your project. For example, if you are starting as a token-based project, but also run a stake pool, you can add the pool after the initial creation.

Non-fungible token Project

This project type is right if you are a PFP collection with a Bitcoin mining operation attached, an art project for collectors, or another of the many flavors in which NFT collections play an important role. It does not matter if your collection has rarity or not, you will find all the tools to publish exactly for your use case.

Decentralized Finance

Liquidity pools, lending protocols and anything else that provides access to decentralized finance solutions should pick this project type. It will make finding you easier and can unlock specific capabilities for DeFi project in the future.

Stake pool operator

As a permissionless validator on the Cardano blockchain, you help run the network. We make it easy for you to confirm your pool, or even group multiple pools under one account - maybe you represent a Stake pool alliance. With this category, the feature set will be helping you reach your delegators and interested parties easier.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

As a DAO, your main goal is to give your members the ability to own the direction of your organization. Often times, this includes voting and governance by means of utility tokens. If this fits your project, we have the right capabilities to let you achieve your goals.

Delegated Representative

Decentralized blockchains require decentralized approaches to decision-making. Delegated Representatives take on those responsibilities to represent the people on Cardano. If you are a dRep, we will make sure you have what you need to stay in touch with your constituency.

Utility, Memes and other token-based projects

If your project has a token out there, for whatever purpose, and you do not see yourself in any of the other categories, then choose the Utility, Memes and other tokens category. Whatever you need to engage, entertain or enable your community, we can provide the right means.

Creating your project

You can start the process of project creation by heading to and clicking Create new project.

Once you have started the creation process, you will be asked to select a project type according to our choices above:

Verifying your project

For Stake pool operators and Delegated Representatives, the verification will be done as part of the project creation. For token-based projects, verification will either be manual after you have created your project, or, if your project is using CIP-0066, automatic during publishing.

Below you can find the verification flow that is right for you:

Last updated